Charity Fashion Show for weaving craftsmen from NTT and Flores Coffee Sale

We would like to invite you to our event “Charity Fashion Show for weaving craftsmen from NTT and Flores Coffee Sale”

Preserving small things to support local craftsmen and we bought directly from weaving craftsmen who live very far from city.

Invitation price ;

1. Rp. 2.500.000 (incl hand woven medium material from NTT).

2. Rp. 5.000.000 (incl hand woven medium material & shawl from NTT).

Special guests who are also invited :
1. Agus Marsudi
2. Erik Tohir
3. General Director of Culture Ministry Hilmar Farid
4. Ambassador some of countries

More information ;
– Iskandar 0812 9703 5542.
– Alma 0812 8864 6715.
– Verra +62 818-0622-7608 / 0811-878-709.

Limited invited only 50 seat

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